Our Mission

By uniting a coalition of multidisciplinary stakeholders from patient advocacy, professional societies, industry, and policymakers, the Initiative to Change the “D-Word,” a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, seeks to eliminate “dementia/demented” to reduce stigma, increase early detection and treatment, and increase accuracy around cognitive impairment.

Our Vision

We envision a world in which:

  • The language we use to talk about cognitive impairment is non-stigmatizing, specific, and patient-centered.

  • People with cognitive impairment are able to seek early detection and care with acceptance and without stigmatization.

  • “Dementia” (and the associated term “demented”) is never an acceptable word to use to describe people or study cohorts – and is recognized as an inaccurate, outdated, and stigmatizing word consigned to the history books.